Respect and care for others: at the heart of all our work

Human dignity is the focus of our work. Christ The King Residential Care Homes believes in the principles of service user involvement, consent, respect, tolerance and social justice, and we regard self-determination as the key to self-fulfilment for all of us. These values are reflected in all our day-to-day work with our residents.



Choosing the right health and support services for someone with  Metal Health needs or learning disabilities is necessary to ensure their treatment is both caring and holistic. As individuals, we have choices that we can make independently, but individuals with learning disabilities may have that choice taken away and support services need to ensure that they are offering the best possible care.

This section will highlight the principles which determine good practice including:

- Choice
- Rights
- Respect and dignity
- Individuality
- Privacy
- Confidentiality
- Emotional needs (and empathy)
- Independence
- Valuing people